Upcoming Events

Volunteers Needed for 2024-25 PTA Executive Board!

We are looking for volunteers to fill our executive board for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested and are currently a member, we would love to have you be a part of our team. If you are not a member, but would like to be on our board, it’s not too late to join our PTA so that you can be a part of our team.

If you are interested in becoming an executive board member for our PTA next year, please email us at doscaminosdolphins@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Looking for opportunities to volunteer this year?

Carnival in May

5th Grade Promotion in June

If interested, please email us at doscaminosdolphins@gmail.com.

We are forming committees for each of these events and would love to have your input and help in making the best events possible for all of our students here at DCS!

Dos Caminos School Parent Teacher Association

We are a volunteer-run organization whose mission is to help our students and educators thrive.

Everyone is welcome to join this community!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

— Margaret Mead.